BBL™ Corrective Treatments

BBL®/BBL HERO™ are innovative, light-based devices that use specific wavelengths of light to target the common signs of sun damage, aging, and photodamage (namely redness and hyperpigmentation). BBL® (Broad band Light) energy, when used as part of a personalized and expertly designed treatment regimen, precisely targets dark age/sun spots, small facial veins, rosacea, inflammatory acne, and uneven skin tone. BBL® is noninvasive. Treatments are comfortable and effective, designed to fit your schedule with minimal downtime.


BBL® can be used to target:

  • Unwanted hyperpigmentation (sun freckles, age spots, brown spots, “liver spots”)

  • Vascular Lesions (small blood vessels, rosacea, flushing)

  • Acne

  • Uneven skin texture/tone

What areas can be treated?

Any area of your body can be treated. The most commonly treated areas include the face, neck, back of the hands, forearms, and chest.


How BBL Works

The BBL®/BLL HERO™ platform is not technically a “laser.” It is a highly effective and powerful light based device. This means, that the device uses pulses of light energy to target various targets (or “chromophores”) in the skin. This allows Dr. Riemer to design a customized treatment plan with different wavelengths of light to target individualized skin concerns (ie acne; brown spots/ sun freckles/age spots; vascular Lesions, such as cherry angiomas, telangiectasias, and rosacea) and to effectively deliver safe treatments in various skin types.

For treatment of acne, different wavelengths of light are used to target the different causes of acne, and can be used as a part of a multimodal approach in acne therapy:

  • Blue light is used first to eliminate acne-causing bacteria at its source, deep down in the pores.

  • Yellow light is then used to reduce mild to moderate inflammation and acne-associated redness

  • For added benefit, the skin is then treated with infra-red light in rapid, gentle pulses to initiate the body’s natural healing process and decrease oil production.

BBL® can be used to restore skin vibrance, youthfulness, and overall health.

What to Expect

  • It is recommended that you avoid any sun exposure in the area to be treated for a period of 3 weeks prior to treatment with BBL. Do not undergo treatment with a tan. Self tanners must be faded from the skin for at least a week to 10 days prior to treatment.

  • During treatment, you may briefly feel a warm or “rubber band snap” sensation as the light is absorbed by the targeted areas. Your procedure may take a few minutes to a half an hour depending on the size of the area to be treated and the type of procedure performed. Topical numbing is available.

  • After treatment, you may experience some minor redness and swelling

  • This is a noninvasive and gentle procedure with virtually no downtime. In most cases, you are able to return to work or school, apply makeup, and resume most of your activities immediately.

  • Protect your investment. It is recommended that you cover your treated skin and use sun block of SPF 30+ immediately following your treatment (rain or shine).

  • How many treatments will I need?

    • The number of treatments required varies from patient to patient, and Dr. Riemer will personalize a treatment plan based on your skin concerns. Often times, BBL/BBL HERO are used in combination with other aesthetic procedures and skin care products to further enhance the outcome.